Build A Better Morning Routine

Your morning sets the tone for your day. By now, you’ve heard how having a consistent morning routine can reduce stress, boost energy levels, improve your productivity at work, and help you be more present for the rest of your life. 

But you’ve also probably been overloaded with articles on the subject that make you feel like you need to become a superhuman efficiency machine to reap any benefits. 

That’s why we’re keeping this simple. Start with one of these evidence-based morning routine tips and work up. 

Prepare for a Better Morning

A good morning begins the night before. While the value of a restful night’s sleep is widely recognized, achieving it can sometimes be easier said than done. To help reset your body’s internal clock, consider trying these recommendations by the U.S. Olympic team’s sleep experts.

Two tips that stand out are:

  • Take a warm shower about an hour before bed: This can help signal your body that it’s time to wind down.
  • Avoid alcohol after dinner: Alcohol can interfere with your sleep quality, making it harder for you to wake up refreshed.

Next, don’t forget to make your wake-up time consistent. Hitting snooze can make you feel groggier. By waking up at the same time each day, you can help your body find its rhythm and improve your overall sleep quality.

Also, choose breakfast foods that boost your energy without the sugar crash. Focus on meals high in complex carbohydrates and low in sugar to keep you alert and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Structuring your day

Now, it’s time to structure your day for success.

Reattach to work. A study from 2019 suggests that taking time to “reattach to work” can help us begin our days feeling more focused and motivated. Before diving into daily tasks, take a moment to think about what you need to achieve. Reflect on your goals and how your work impacts others. This helps you start your workday with focus and motivation, setting a positive tone for what’s ahead.

Pick your top three tasks for the day. Focusing on three main priorities will help you stay productive and manage stress. It’s all about narrowing your list so you can tackle what really matters. Each morning, maybe even as part of your reattaching to work routine, write down your top three tasks and let those guide your day.

Tackle challenging tasks when you’re most productive: Use your peak energy time, often mid-morning, to tackle your most demanding tasks. If you need help determining when you’re at your best, track your energy levels throughout the day to find your most productive periods. By scheduling your hardest tasks during these times, you’ll make your day smoother and more manageable.

Move your body: Incorporate some movement into your day, whether it’s a morning stretch, a walk, or light exercise. Moving helps wake up your body, boosts your mood, and improves focus and sleep quality.

Keeping Momentum

Take breaks. To keep your momentum going, it’s crucial to manage your energy wisely. Breaks aren’t a waste of time; they boost your productivity by helping you stay focused and creative. 

Try the 3M framework from Dr. Sahar Yousef, UC Berkeley: take micro-breaks (like a quick stretch), meso breaks (like a weekly hobby), and macro breaks (like a day trip) to fully disconnect and recharge.

Also, recognize what drains your energy. Whether it’s too many meetings or working late into the night, knowing your limits helps you pace yourself and avoid burnout. 

Finally, keep your workspace decluttered. A tidy environment can reduce stress and improve your ability to focus.

There you have it—a simple guide to better mornings.

By starting with these easy, evidence-based tips, you can be on your way to reduce stress, boost productivity, and improve your overall well-being. Remember, it’s not about becoming a superhuman efficiency machine but about making small, manageable changes that set you up for a better day.

If you found these tips helpful, why not share them with friends and colleagues? Here’s to better mornings and even better days!

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