Archive for the ‘Inside LSWG’ Category

Getting to Know LSWG – Kevin Hessler

Next in our series to better acquaint you with our fellow LSWG co-workers and friends… Meet Kevin Hessler, CPA… LSWG’s co-managing principal, Kevin, has been a member of the firm since… [more]

Getting to Know LSWG – Tracy Lepine

Next in our series to better acquaint you with our fellow LSWG co-workers and friends… Meet Tracy Lepine… Tracy joined LSWG in 1996.  A staff accountant in LSWG’s Frederick office,… [more]

Mullaney Promoted to Manager at LSWG

Ethni H. Mullaney, CPA, has been promoted to manager in LSWG’s Frederick office. Ethni joined LSWG in 2000 and is a tax preparation specialist–especially adept at preparing returns for individuals, nonprofits,… [more]

Happy Anniversary!

January is a popular month for anniversaries.  We are celebrating the following employee anniversaries this month: Kevin Hessler, Co-managing Principal – 36 years Barbara Roman, Co-managing Principal – 16 years… [more]

Helpful Resources