While in Santa Fe, Kevin Hessler, LSWG co-managing principal and immediate past president of INPACT Americas, met with INPACT’s Global Board of Directors. That’s Kevin in the back row on the left. He is also past-chairman of the Global Board. (INPACT has 187 member firms in 60 countries around the world.)
LSWG principals, Kevin Hessler, Barbara Roman, and Jennifer Clingan recently attended the annual INPACTConference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Leaders from 22 different CPA firms from around the country got together to share best practices, metrics, and economic analyses with one another.
LSWG is a founding member of INPACT, a network of accounting firms located throughout the United States and internationally who provide mutual assistance in the growth and development of each individual member.
LSWG principals, Kevin Hessler, Jennifer Clingan, and Barbara Roman enjoyed a little down time while at INPACT.LSWG co-managing principal, Barbara Roman, picked up a few tips when she and her fellow INPACT members took a class at the Santa Fe School of Cooking.